Little Bees + Kidzplay Logo(1)

Wands and Potions Activity Session


  • Wands and Potions Activity Session

    Bring the outside in and enter our witches lair. Come and have some messy fun making potions from everyday resources like leaves and beetroot, watch all the colour changes and use your favourite magic wand to cast spells for the day. Enjoy time together making and creating potions.

  • Play in the Soft Play

    Time for some independent play  - Join your new witches and wizards friends for some running, jumping, skipping and climbing all over the soft play frames whilst your parents get a well earned rest and recuperation.

  • Halloween Themed Buffet

    Then it's time for lunch, a halloween themed banquet awaits. From witches fingers, to sausage roll mummies, to banana ghosts and cat whisker cup cakes it will be a fantastic lunch to end a good day.

Session £10 per child - Adult Free

What is it?


Wands and Potions Activity Session

Is designed for 2 - 5 year olds to come and have some fun creating and making their own Halloween potions from natural resources. We are bringing the outside in by using everyday resources either in your recycling or what you can find on a nature walk. They will learn about colour mixing, measuring, texture, whats happens when... and generally have some messy fun.


Who is it for?

The session is designed for 2 - 5 year olds but don't worry if you have an under 2 too. There will be space and play things for little ones so you can enjoy together. We want you to be able to join in too, there is nothing better in life than watching and engaging with your child who is having lots of fun! We will also be encouraging you to ask your child lots of open ended questions, it will be really interesting to hear all the stories they have about the potions they are making.

Where and when is it on?

The Activity Session is on at all our Centres, it lasts all morning - you just select the start time that is more suitable for you.

8 (2)

Little Bees Leeds

Wands and Potions Session Times:

18th & 26th October and 1st November

10AM or 11AM

8 (2)

Kidzplay Shipley

Wands and Potions Session Times:

19th & 25th October, 2nd November

10AM , 11AM Or 1PM

How Do I Book / Do I Need To Book?

To Book - Go to the Centre you would like to visit and book onto the Wands and Potions Session. It is essential you book, spaces are limited and we will only have the resources available for those who book onto the session

Do I Need To Bring Anything?

Many empty water bottles. Shallow DOF.

Everything will be provided for you however you can extend the play session for you and your little one if you want to collect leaves, conkers, acorns, a magic stick or two, anything you find on a nature walk that could be a great ingredient for a potion. Also, it could be an idea to bring an old shirt of Mums or Dads to cover any clothing, and please don't come in your best clothing. This will be an interactive messy session.

Kidzplay Ethos - Who is Lesley?

We have been running playcentres now for over 15 years and the softplay is great when its raining, or you find yourself at a loose end for the day. It's also good to meet friends at and just let the kids run riot. However we are also wanting to provide sessions that are educational, fun and more importantly give you time to spend with your child in a fun interactive way. We want to make it really easy for you so we provide lunch, the freedom to play on the frames and then there will be an interactive session you can join in together. Each week will be a different theme at the same time each week so you can make a date of it. The activity sessions range from messy play to being for babies to playing football, cricket and rugby. All our sessions will come with a softplay session and lunch for the children.

Wands and Potions Session

The wands and potions session is headed by Lesley, Lesley has been a really successful early years practitioner for over 20 years and has owned her own nursery. She will bring different interactive sessions every week for you to enjoy.



Lesley Watson

Session Not At Time To Suit You? - Try A Box Instead


Wands and Potions Included in the Box

We have the Halloween Activity Box that includes alot of interactive Halloween activities you can do for the whole of the October Half Term leading up to Halloween.

the wands and potions is included as an activity in the box.